Teacher Dates Cleanup

Issue #615 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

What does Date of Hire, Date of Exit, Reason map to in the DB and the UI? Fields to consider in the DB

  • tYearStarted
  • tYearFinished
  • tDateDSAppointed
  • tDateDSClosed
  • tCloseReason
  • tDateRegister
  • tDateRegisterEnd
  • tDateRegisterReason

We don’t have the same dropdown box for Reason in the MIEMIS online which will sooner or later bring questions. Ideas? Should we have a lkp table for this?

Comments (5)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Date of Hire and Date of Exit currently go to tDatePSAppointed ( ie Public service appointed) and tDatePSClosed.

    By the same logic Reason can go to tCloseReason,

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Currently it is the

    • tDateRegister
    • tDateRegisterEnd
    • tDateRegisterReason

    That are exposed in the online form which creates confusion. I will change those and align the vocab to what is in the workbook which should clarify this. What would the Register fields above be for?

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Date of Hire and Date of Exit currently go to tDatePSAppointed ( ie Public service appointed) and tDatePSClosed.

    By the same logic Reason can go to tCloseReason,

    This is currently not working. There is nothing in those fields or any of the date fields in TeacherIdentity after successful load of the workbook.

  4. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Register fields have been for tracking the process of ‘registering’ a teacher with the education ministry. This is a function managed by the Solomons Islands teacher services Division. There’s a separate workflow around this:

    Register reason holds the reason for the current registration status - if this is provisional (why are they provisional?) or deregistered.

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