Workbook Version 20190523 Feedback

Issue #619 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Workbook is getting really nice, great work. Here I’ll put some non-functional feedback that should be low priority but if does not take much time we can do. Otherwise, we push this to the next version of the workbook.

Any easy way to make use of vocab instead of typing stuff like this.

I think I remember we discussed this but not sure what the end result was. Can we have longer field shown below. This is often in Shared cloud drives and more often then not overlaps and then can’t see the whole file. Same in Rollover sheet.

Can we make this settings page a little more user friendly. Maybe highlight the only fields that need user input. Also, what’s below in the red rectangle?

I think the below original list can be removed.

Finally, I think the remaining of list not yet populated from DB can wait until the next version of the workbook. It’s pretty good for now.

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