Enrolment Entry Not Displaying Correctly

Issue #70 closed
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

As shown in figure below. Also the user input could be improved. enrolment-display-issue.PNG

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    This grid layout corresponds to the format of the survey form, and behaviour matches the desktop data entry You can navigate with arrows pgup pgdwn etc; checks for numeric. Display seems ok - can you be more specific?

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    As shown on the screenshot, the grid looks like it is under the left side bar. There should be proper spacing there. Minor, but annoying to the eye.Also proper spacing around user input box.

  3. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    IMO the following is much better. Also I have removed the default SchoolID = as no school is showing and creates confusion. At first, I thought I was to filter using the SchoolID as shown in the parentheses as example. enrol1.PNG enrol2.PNG

  4. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    style(Survey): improve Enrolment Survey page

    • move CSS out of HTML template and into its own gender-grid.css file
    • fix some HTML
    • fix display of gender grid with proper padding
    • remove default school
    • replace SchoolID with more intuitive instructions for use

    Closes #70

    → <<cset fe4faf0e0867>>

  5. Brian Lewis repo owner

    style(Survey): improve Enrolment Survey page

    • move CSS out of HTML template and into its own gender-grid.css file
    • fix some HTML
    • fix display of gender grid with proper padding
    • remove default school
    • replace SchoolID with more intuitive instructions for use

    Closes #70

    → <<cset fe4faf0e0867>>

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