Support separate navigation menu options for School Accreditations cloud files and Wash cloud files

Issue #703 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

The issue here is that we do not have in the menu system the ability to while is it easy to create a route accepting the TYPE as parameter, we do not have in the Navigation system the ability to specify a parameter value to a route. Either extend the menu to do this, or make a more kludgy solution by hardcoding explicit routes for these inpection types.

Needs some investigaion

Comments (2)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Happily the navigation part works without changes required to the current menuing system.

    To specify a parameter to a route, use the same syntax as required by ui-sref in the state field in IdentitiesP Navigation table; e.g.


    To make sure this actually does something on the route:

    1. Check that the route has the required parameter; and it is included in the Url
    2. Most likely, you'll need to apply this value to the current FindConfig as a hardcoded value. See how the resolves on site.cloudfile.list do this.
    3. Note that you’ll probably need to have the state converted to upper case - this doesn't make any difference to the Sql, but is required if the value is expected to match to a value in a lookup list in the Searcher.
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