Refactor list pages to Component

Issue #711 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

The List pages still use an old model of combining a controller and a template on the .list route, using a registered controller.

More streamlined current practice is to use a component on the View in the route; resolves in the Route are then added to the component as Bindings, rather than injections.

This work introduces a ListManager.Component; which takes the place of the PegedListController prevoiusly used.

The functionality previously in PagedListController is separated between ListManager - which manages the co-ordination of data and messaging between components; and super-grid, which wraps the ui-grid and interprets ViewModes etc. Sort and paging events that occur on the ui-grid invoke callbacks in ListManager, as do actions invoked by clicking columns. (ie opening an item for editing)

ListManager extends MonitredList, so that changes to data in the list (ie by selecting and editing a record in the ActionPane) are now reflected in the list without refreshing.

Initially this work is restricted to list pages for findata (Budgets and Expenditure) SchoolAccreditations, and SchoolInspections.

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