Open and view school from Lists

Issue #714 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Most Lists allow an ‘action’ on the ID column to open and view/edit that row. (Now, with ListManager such edits are propagated back to the list without a refresh).

Many list include a school no where school is a foreign key of the entity ( exams, inspections, accreditations …)

Allow an ‘action’ on the school no field to open and review the school in the action pane.

As well, change the action link to fire on the whole column, not just the Id value (which is currently inside an anchor). If these numbers are small - 1, 2, 3 … - its a bit awkward to click the number precisely.

Further support vm as well as listvm as the controllerAs for the grid’s scope controller. listvm was used by PagedListController - now move to vm in ListManager.

Comments (2)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    Having school opening from various contexts means we need new routes where the state is the same as site.schools.list.item.

    A method clone in routehelper allows cloning states for this purpose with minima duplication of code.

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