Group outputs of Pineapples.Client under dist/ folder

Issue #77 closed
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Following from #76, create a dist folder to hold the outputs of the client projects, specifically:

assets, scripts, styles assets_local.

gruntfile needs to be changed so that all the builds, copy, deploy, contacts etc use this new location.

Comments (3)

  1. Ghislain Hachey

    What is your opinion on removing what is currently scripts/vendor and styles/vendor (will be dist/scripts/vendor and dist/styles/vendor) from git? It's essentially the equivalent of removing pineapples.js and pineapples.css like we did recently?

  2. Ghislain Hachey

    chore(Pineapples.Client): Group output under dist/ directory

    • group generated scripts and styles into dist
    • .gitignore dist/
    • remove scripts/vendor and styles/vendor from git
    • minor cleanups in gruntfiles.js

    Closes #77

    → <<cset 177a630f2ea2>>

  3. Brian Lewis reporter

    chore(Pineapples.Client): Group output under dist/ directory

    • group generated scripts and styles into dist
    • .gitignore dist/
    • remove scripts/vendor and styles/vendor from git
    • minor cleanups in gruntfiles.js

    Closes #77

    → <<cset 177a630f2ea2>>

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