Echart teacher qualifications lost colors

Issue #865 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    This is actually OK - in the year you are looking at there is no qual or certified teachers, eerybody is ‘Other’, hence grey.

    Try e.g. 2018?

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter
    • changed status to open

    I want to keep this open as it is still problematic in a way. We need the qualifications to reflect what is in the canonical qualification data source which is in TeacherTraining and not through yearly surveys. So perhaps one component that shows from TeacherSurvey (not all years they will report the qualifications) and one cmoponent, the most important one, that shows according to the teacher Training data which is the one better maintained.

  3. Brian Lewis repo owner

    The issue is in data setup:

    SurveyYearTeacherQual holds, for each survey year, education sector and possible qualification the record to say whether that qualification makes you certified and.or qualified in that year.

    this ios the most flexible, becuase the status can change from sector to sector 9 ie what makes you qualified as primary may not make you qualified for secondary) and also from year to year; ie stndards can get higher over time if necessary.

    Problem with this approach is - if SurveyYearTeacherQual is not set up each year, then there are no matches in that year, and that is the issue we are seeing.

    So the stored proc is now changed to find, in any given year, the most recent SuryYearTeacherQual record for a sector/qualification, and use that to determine status.

    With this appraoch, we’ll only need to add records to SurveyYearTeacherQual if there is a change of qualificaiton status.

    Fix is a SQl fix then; deployed to pacificemisdb

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