WASH Dashboard display broken

Issue #881 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

Seems also related to the onChange events

Comments (7)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Please check this one too - see also #884 where I have made some substantive improvements to toilets component.

    The data strategy is changed - using the new crossfilter.allFiltered() see #842

    Also introduced AnnotatedCrossfilter class to package a cross filter with accessor functions - this can be supplied to RolColChart as its data - so we just have to touch to update the chart on an option change.

    So - considerably less code in here now! :)

  2. Ghislain Hachey reporter

    Great stuff, is this something I should create an issue to port to other places (e.g. wash water component?!)

  3. Brian Lewis repo owner

    Yes, I hope you’d say that… ! The Washdashboard class is already setting up xf3 , a crosstab based n the water table, and also setting up the filters on that. So, you can use that xf3 crossfilter to make your AnnotatedCrossfilter . Most of the refactoring will involve the specifi log to extract values, that now lives in makeChartdata, and move that to the valueAccessor function.

    You’ll probably notice I have been getting into the habit of strongly-typing more things, and annnotating class and members with comments, so the development experience is cleaner and easier.

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