Allow selection in TeacherDeduping based on DistrictCode

Issue #946 resolved
Brian Lewis repo owner created an issue

Specifically, a pair of teacher is selected in the deduplicator if:

ether one has any teachersurvey in the specified district.

Supply this filter using Access control as nice-to-have

Comments (3)

  1. Brian Lewis reporter

    I think this works better if the condition is that BOTH teachers have at least ONE TeacherSurvey in the nominated state. In terms of access control, this means that both teachers in the pair are teachers that the user could “see” in the Techer List, when the user’s District Filter is applied.

    If the user is not limited by a district filter, they can still select this option, and you get only matches where both teachers have taught in the nominated district.

    This may be more useful for identifying duplicates - but needs to be understood this works a little different to the filter on name (which is EITHER)

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