The Educational Environment (IDEA) SA for school age column shall have an associated lookup table [2020:HPR5b]

Issue #975 resolved
Ghislain Hachey created an issue

I will take this one of your plate

From SRS

The Educational Environment (IDEA) SA for school age column shall have an associated lookup table with the following code – name

  • description:

·       RC80 – Inside regular class 80% or more of the day

  • These are children who received

special education and related services outside the regular classroom for less than 21% of the school day.  This may include children placed in:

o   Regular class with special education/related services provided within regular classes

o   Regular class with special education/related services outside regular classes

o   Regular class with special education services provided in resource rooms

·       RC79TO40 – Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day

  • These are children who received

special education and related services outside the regular classroom for at least 21% but no more than 60% of the school day.  Do not include children who are reported as receiving education programs in public or private separate school or residential facilities.  This may include children placed in:

o   resource rooms with special education/related services provided within the resource room

o   resource rooms with part-time instruction in a regular class

·       RC39 – Inside regular class less than 40% of the day

  • These are children who received special education and related services outside the regular classroom for more than 60% of the school day.  Do

not include children who are reported as receiving education programs in public or private separate school or residential facilities.   This may include children placed in:

o   self-contained special classrooms with part-time instruction in a regular class

o   self-contained special classrooms with full-time special education instruction on a regular school campus

·       SS – Separate School

  • These are children who received education programs in public or private separate day school facilities.  This includes children with disabilities receiving special education and related services

, at public expense, for greater than 50% of the school day in public or private separate schools.  This may include children placed in:

o   public and private day schools for students with disabilities

o   public and private day schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50%) and in regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day

o   public and private residential facilities if the student does not live at the facility

·       RF – Residential Facility

  • These are children who received education programs and lived in public or private residential facilities during the school week.  This includes children with disabilities receiving special education and related services, at public expense,

for greater than 50% of the school day in public or private residential facilities. This may include children placed in:

o   public and private residential schools for students with disabilities

o   public and private residential schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50%) and in separate day schools or regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day

Do not include students who received education programs at the facility, but do not live there.

·       HH – Homebound/Hospital

  • These are children who received programs in homebound/hospital environments.  This includes children receiving special education and related services in hospital programs or homebound programs.  Do

not include children whose parents have opted to home–school them and who receive special education at the public expense.

·       CF – Correctional Facilities

  • These are children who received special education in correctional facilities.  These data are intended to be an unduplicated count of all children receiving special education in short-term detention facilities (community-based or residential) or correctional facilities.

·       PPPS – Parentally Placed in Private Schools

  • These are children who are enrolled by their parents or guardians in regular parochial or other private schools and whose basic education is paid through private resources and who received special education and related services at public expense from a local educational agency or intermediate educational unit under a services plan[1]. 

o   Include children whose parents chose to home-school them, but who receive special education and related services at the public expense.

Do not include children who are placed in private schools by the LEA.

[1] Children enrolled in private school by a parent, but who are still receiving special education services through the LEA, may have a services plan rather than an IEP.  These children should be included.

Comments (6)

  1. Brian Lewis repo owner

    We already had the table lkpEdEnvironment - I have:

    • renamed to lkpSpEdEnvironment to be consistent with the other SpEd loookups;
    • added the column codeText nvarchar(2000) to hold the menaing of the code (rather than expand the description field, because we need something for the dropdown lists;
    • created views lkpSpEdEnvironmentECE, lkpspEdEnvironmentSA that filter on codeGroup.
    • In the SpecialEd screen field spEdEnv, we display the whole list of both ECE and School age values.
    • There is now referential integrity on this; another reason why all the codes need to be in one table.
    • changed the lookup list in the workbook to use these new views.
    • applied the values of codeText in FEDEMIS production using the script below

  2. Brian Lewis repo owner
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'RC80', N'Inside regular class 80% or more of the day', 10, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received special education and related services outside the regular classroom for less than 21% of the school day.  This may include children placed in: o   Regular class with special education/related services provided within regular classes o   Regular class with special education/related services outside regular classes  *  Regular class with special education services provided in resource rooms', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:45:58.347' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:45:58.347' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'RC79TO40', N'Inside regular class 40% through 79% of the day', 20, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received special education and related services outside the regular classroom for at least 21% but no more than 60% of the school day.  Do not include children who are reported as receiving education programs in public or private separate school or residential facilities.  This may include children placed in: o   resource rooms with special education/related services provided within the resource room o   resource rooms with part-time instruction in a regular class', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:46:16.150' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:46:28.550' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'RC39', N'Inside regular class less than 40% of the day', 30, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received special education and related services outside the regular classroom for more than 60% of the school day.  Do not include children who are reported as receiving education programs in public or private separate school or residential facilities.   This may include children placed in: o   self-contained special classrooms with part-time instruction in a regular class o   self-contained special classrooms with full-time special education instruction on a regular school campus', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:46:46.967' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:00.823' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'SS', N'Separate School', 40, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received education programs in public or private separate day school facilities.  This includes children with disabilities receiving special education and related services, at public expense, for greater than 50% of the school day in public or private separate schools.  This may include children placed in: o   public and private day schools for students with disabilities o   public and private day schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50%) and in regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day o   public and private residential facilities if the student does not live at the facility', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:22.727' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:22.727' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'RF', N'Residential Facility', 50, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received education programs and lived in public or private residential facilities during the school week.  This includes children with disabilities receiving special education and related services, at public expense, for greater than 50% of the school day in public or private residential facilities. This may include children placed in: o   public and private residential schools for students with disabilities o   public and private residential schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50%) and in separate day schools or regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day Do not include students who received education programs at the facility, but do not live there.', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:41.117' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:41.117' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'HH', N'Homebound/Hospital', 60, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received programs in homebound/hospital environments.  This includes children receiving special education and related services in hospital programs or homebound programs.  Do not include children whose parents have opted to home–school them and who receive special education at the public expense.', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:58.867' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:47:58.867' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'CF', N'Correctional Facilities', 70, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who received special education in correctional facilities.  These data are intended to be an unduplicated count of all children receiving special education in short-term detention facilities (community-based or residential) or correctional facilities.', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:48:09.357' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:48:09.357' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'PPPS', N'Parentally Placed in Private Schools', 80, NULL, NULL, N'These are children who are enrolled by their parents or guardians in regular parochial or other private schools and whose basic education is paid through private resources and who received special education and related services at public expense from a local educational agency or intermediate educational unit under a services plan[1].', N'SCHOOLAGE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:48:36.050' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:48:50.557' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'REC10YSVCS', N'Services Regular ECE Program (at least 10 Hours)', 1010, NULL, NULL, N'Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program At Least 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In The Regular Early Childhood Program', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:34:41.983' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:34:41.983' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'REC10YOTHLOC', N'Other Location Regular ECE Program (at least 10 Hours)', 1020, NULL, NULL, N'Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program At Least 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In Some Other Location', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:42:17.037' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:42:17.037' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'REC09YSVCS', N'Services Regular ECE Program (Less Than 10 Hours)', 1030, NULL, NULL, N'Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program Less Than 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In The Regular Early Childhood Program', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:39:32.157' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:39:32.157' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'REC09YOTHLOC', N'Other Location Regular ECE Program (Less Than 10 Hours)', 1040, NULL, NULL, N'Children Attending A Regular Early Childhood Program Less Than 10 Hrs Per Week. And Receiving The Majority Of Hours Of Special Education And Related Services In Some Other Location.', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:42:35.477' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:42:35.477' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'SC', N'Separate Class', 1050, NULL, NULL, N'Children attending a special education program (NOT in any regular early childhood program). Specifically, a separate special education class', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:42:52.047' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:42:52.047' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'SS_ECE', N'Separate School', 1060, NULL, NULL, N'Children attending a special education program (NOT in any regular early childhood program). Specifically, a separate special education class', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:43:52.707' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:43:52.707' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'RF_ECE', N'Residential Facility', 1070, NULL, NULL, N'Children attending a special education program (NOT in any regular early childhood program). Specifically, a residential facility', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:44:09.603' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:44:09.603' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'H', N'Home', 1080, NULL, NULL, N'Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program (Not included in rows above). And receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at home', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:44:18.743' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:44:18.743' AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].lkpSpEdEnvironment ([codeCode], [codeDescription], [codeSeq], [codeDescriptionL1], [codeDescriptionL2], [codeText], [codeGroup], [pCreateUser], [pCreateDateTime], [pEditUser], [pEditDateTime]) VALUES (N'SPL', N'Service Provider Location', 1090, NULL, NULL, N'Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program (Not included in rows above). And receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at the service provider’s location or some other location not in any other category.', N'ECE', N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:44:34.977' AS DateTime), N'', CAST(N'2020-09-08T23:44:34.977' AS DateTime))

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