Add config setting for default error message and ruleset file name

Issue #1 new
Leslie Krause repo owner created an issue

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Comments (4)


    i cannot understand this issue but i have some ideas about the dependency on formspec from your mod.. i am prepared to send some merge request code lines

    but first i need a response in the issue before working on..

    wheantime i will fork this in a more light (no crap) manager like gitea/codeberg or gogs/notabug and work on some real reductions like:

    • config setting to do not to try usage of formspecs
    • reduction to a real lite mod
    • fix some commands if we use mientest 0.4
    • try to find a better way to use password (i do not have skill for that but well)

  2. Leslie Krause reporter

    The dependency on ActiveFormspecs should be optional, and it is only required when using the in-game chat commands. Otherwise, without use of chat commands, there is no dependency.

  3. Leslie Krause reporter

    A configuration setting for the ruleset file name is a good idea, and would be very easy to add. I’ll certainly look into that as well as perhaps a few other customizations, so that not as many things are hardcoded.


    The dependency on ActiveFormspecs should be optional, and it is only required when using the in-game chat commands. Otherwise, without use of chat commands, there is no dependency

    yes i already know that.. mods load but dont advertise the usage of the command.. my first time server just crash XD, glad to see you are still active..

    i guess for that: config setting to do not to try usage of formspecs we must put a config check.. so do not crash or not made availabe the command.. so due that is not related to this issue i will open a new one..

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