
Leslie Krause RPAN Chat Archive Wizard

Created by Leslie Krause
  RPAN Chat Archive Wizard
  Copyright(c) 2022, Leslie E. Krause

  Licensed under The MIT License.
var cur_step = 0;
var username;
var subreddit;
var filename_format;
var search_results;

function Spoiler( id, is_visible, callbacks )
	let elem = document.getElementById( id );
	let tmpl = elem.innerHTML;

	this.onEnter = callbacks.onEnter;
	this.onLeave = callbacks.onLeave;

	this.hide = function ( can_notify )
	{ = 'none';
	} = function ( )
	{ = 'block';

	this.format = function ( )
		let regex = /%([-0])?([0-9]+)?(\.[0-9]+)?([sdf%])/g;
		let args = arguments;
		let idx = 0;

		elem.innerHTML = tmpl.replace( regex, function ( exp, p0, p1, p2, p3 )
			if( exp == '%%' )
				return '%';
			else if( idx >= args.length )
				return 'undefined';

			let type = p3;
			let prec = p2 != undefined ? parseInt( p2.substr( 1 ) ) : 6;
			let size = p1 != undefined ? parseInt( p1 ) : 0;
			let fill = p0 == '0' && type != 's' ? '0' : ' ';
			let is_sign = type != 's' && args[ idx ] < 0;
			let is_left = p0 == '-';

			let str;
			switch( type ) {
				case 's':
					str = args[ idx ];
				case 'd':
					str = parseFloat( args[ idx ] ).toFixed( 0 );
				case 'f':
					str = parseFloat( args[ idx ] ).toFixed( prec );
			while( str.length < size ) {
				str = is_left ? str + ' ' : fill + str;
				if( fill == '0' && !is_left && is_sign )
					str = '-0' + str.substr( 2 );  // fun corner case!


			return str;
		} )

	if( !is_visible ) {
		this.hide( );

	return this;

function get_filename( i, v )
	let res = filename_format;
	res = res.replace( /%STREAM_ID%/g, v.stream_id );
	res = res.replace( /%SUBREDDIT%/g, subreddit.slice( 2 ) );
	res = res.replace( /%POST_TITLE_PC%/g, v.post_title.replace( /[^A-Za-z0-9().,-_]/g, '' ) );
	res = res.replace( /%POST_TITLE_SC%/g, v.post_title.toLowerCase( ).replace( /[^a-z0-9().,-_]/g, '_' ) );
	res = res.replace( /%POST_TITLE_KC%/g, v.post_title.toLowerCase( ).replace( /[^a-z0-9().,-_]/g, '-' ) );
	res = res.replace( /%POST_TITLE_TC%/g, v.post_title.replace( /[^A-Za-z0-9().,-_]/g, '-' ) );
	res = res.replace( /%RESULT_IDX%/g, i + 1 );
	return res;

function nextStep( )
	if( cur_step < steps.length )
		if( steps[ cur_step ].onLeave( ) )
			steps[ cur_step ].hide( );
			steps[ cur_step ].onEnter( );
			steps[ cur_step ].show( );

function prevStep( )
	if( cur_step > 0 )
		steps[ cur_step ].hide( false );
		steps[ cur_step ].onEnter( );
		steps[ cur_step ].show( );

function stuff( )
	let input = document.getElementsByName( "input" )[ 0 ].value;

	document.getElementById( "output" ).innerHTML = '<FONT FACE="' + font + '" SIZE="' + size + '" COLOR="brown">' + note + '</FONT>';
<title>RPAN Chat Archive Wizard</title>

<h1>RPAN Chat Archive Wizard</h1>

<table border="1" width="80%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="center" height="400">
<form name="wizard">

<div id="step1">
	<p><b>Step 1.</b> Enter your Reddit username: <br>
	<input type="text" name="username"></p>

<div id="step2">
	<p><b>Step 2.</b> Select the RPAN subreddit: <br>
	<select name="subreddit">

<div id="step3">
	<p><b>Step 3.</b> Go to the following page (it will open a new tab).<br>
	<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
	The search results will be sorted from newest to oldest</p>

<div id="step4">
	<p><b>Step 4.</b> Copy the search results into the box below:<br>
	<textarea name="search_results" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea><br>
	If there are multiple pages, then append each set of results with a newline.</p>

<div id="step5">
	<p><b>Step 5.</b> Enter a format string for the chatlog filenames:<br>
	<input type="text" name="filename_format" value="%STREAM_ID%.txt" size="40"><br><br>
	<code>%STREAM_ID%</code> will be replaced with the stream ID<br>
	<code>%SUBREDDIT%</code> will be replaced with the subreddit<br>
	<code>%POST_TITLE_PC%</code> will be replaced with the post title (PascalCase)<br>
	<code>%POST_TITLE_SC%</code> will be replaced with the post title (snake_case)<br>
	<code>%POST_TITLE_KC%</code> will be replaced with the post title (kebab-case)<br>
	<code>%POST_TITLE_TC%</code> will be replaced with the post title (Train-Case)<br>
	<code>%RESULT_IDX%</code> will be replaced with the search result index</p>

<div id="step6">
	<p><b>Step 6.</b> Go to the following pages and copy the messages into a file with the given name:</p>

<tr><td align="center">
	<input type="button" value="Back" onClick="prevStep( );"></input>
	<input type="button" value="Next" onClick="nextStep( );"></input>


var steps = [
	new Spoiler( 'step1', true, {
		onEnter: function ( ) { },
		onLeave: function ( ) {
			let value = document.wizard.username.value.trim( );
			if( !new RegExp( /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/ ).test( value ) ) {
				alert( 'Invalid username' );
				return false;
			username = value;
			return true;
	} ),
	new Spoiler( 'step2', false, {
		onEnter: function ( ) { },
		onLeave: function ( ) {
			let value = document.wizard.subreddit.value;
			subreddit = value;
			return true;
	} ),
	new Spoiler( 'step3', false, {
		onEnter: function ( ) {
			this.format( subreddit, username, subreddit, username )
		onLeave: function ( ) {
			return true;
	} ),
	new Spoiler( 'step4', false, {
		onEnter: function ( ) { },
		onLeave: function ( ) {
			let value = document.wizard.search_results.value;
			let lines = value.split( /\r?\n/ );

			search_results = [ ];

			for( let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ )
				// Industrial Gothic Mondays (RPAN Shutdown Party)Broadcast
				// 46 points 488 comments submitted 3 days ago by sorcerykid 2021 RPAN Halloween Winner to r/RedditSets

				let res = lines[ i ].trim( ).match( /^(.+)Broadcast$/ );
				if( res ) {
					let post_title = res[ 1 ];

					res = lines[ ++i ].trim( ).match( /^([0-9]+) points ([0-9]+) comments/ );
					if( res == null ) {
						alert( 'Cannot parse search results, line ' + ( i + 1 ) );
						return false;
					let post_points = res[ 1 ];
					let post_comments = res[ 2 ];

					res = lines[ ++i ].trim( ).match( /^https:\/\/.+\/(.+)$/ )
					if( res == null ) {
						alert( 'Cannot parse search results, line ' + ( i + 1 ) );
						return false;
					let stream_url = res[ 0 ];
					let stream_id = res[ 1 ];

					search_results.push( {
						post_url: '' + subreddit + '/' + stream_id,
						post_title: post_title,
						post_points: post_points,
						post_comments: post_comments,
						stream_url: stream_url,
						stream_id: stream_id,
					} )

			return search_results.length > 0;
	} ),
	new Spoiler( 'step5', false, {
		onEnter: function ( ) { },
		onLeave: function ( ) {
			filename_format = document.wizard.filename_format.value.trim( );
			return true;
	} ),
	new Spoiler( 'step6', false, {
		onEnter: function ( ) {
			let str = '<table border="1" width="80%">';
			str += '<tr><th width="5%">#</th><th width="70%" align="left">Post URL</th><th width="25%">Filename</th></tr>';
			for( i = 0; i < search_results.length; i++ )
				let v = search_results[ i ];
				str += '<tr><td align="center">' + ( i + 1 ) + '</td>';
				str += '<td><a href="' + v.post_url + '?sort=old&limit=500" target="_blank">' + v.post_url + '</a></td>';
				str += '<td align="center"><nobr><code>' + get_filename( i, v ) + '</code></nobr></td></tr>';
			str += '</table>';
			this.format( str );
		onLeave: function ( ) { },
	} ),


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