markClass FEA parsing bug

Issue #35 resolved
Georg Mayr-Duffner created an issue

Posted by Adam Twardoch at

Given the following FEA definition:

languagesystem latn dflt;

lookup mark1 {
     markClass [acute] <anchor 0 0> @acute;
     pos base [a] <anchor 260 0> mark @acute;
} mark1;

lookup mark2 {
     markClass grave <anchor 0 0> @grave;
     pos base a <anchor 260 0> mark @grave;
} mark2;

feature mark {
     lookup mark1;
     lookup mark2;
} mark;

when trying to import the FEA, FontForge will give the following error: Expected '[' in glyph class definition on line 9 of feature.fea

The FEA spec: clearly states:

A mark glyph class name is defined differently than a regular glyph class. The mark class definition is built up by a one or more of statements in the form:

markClass <glyph|glyphclass> <anchor> <mark glyph class name>;

This means that the markClass statement can assign a class (as in line 4 of my example, [acute]) or a glyph (as in line 9 of my example, grave) to a mark class. Adobe makeotf correctly processes both definitions, while FontForge only allows the first one.

Best, Adam

Comments (6)

  1. Barry Schwartz

    It is likely we will drop feature file syntax altogether and replace it with a simpler Scheme-based syntax. Then feature files could be supported by a translator to Scheme syntax, though Adobe’s ‘spec’ is an unprofessional hack job that isn’t really worth the effort. (A real spec would have what’s called a BNF grammar.)

  2. Georg Mayr-Duffner reporter

    I don’t mind how it’s represented internally* as long as input is interpreted correctly and the output is valid both in fonts and generated feature files.

    *It wouldn’ŧ make sense to me to care about that as I’m not able to code and thus have little to say about such problems (yes, I’m just a dumb user ;)

  3. Khaled Hosny

    In the meantime I fixed this in the other issue. it does not mean our feature file code is not horrible (it is) nor that feature files are any good (I have to use a preprocessor to make them a bit usable).

  4. Barry Schwartz

    FontForge’s feature files already are not completely Adobe-compatible, by design. In particular, they handle aalt very differently. So I have little compulsion to keep either input or output in Adobe’s syntax, rather than having the user write a bunch of nested parentheses instead. :) Fortunately, if I am going to rewrite the feature file parser, it will be in Guile anyway, and so we would likely have input from Adobe-like syntax, even if not output anymore.

    But I can do only so much at once, and it is much less than an employable programmer can do. For now we use the existing code. :)

    (I am currently rewriting at least part of the SVG input code, rather than this.)

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