BlueScale validation bug

Issue #40 resolved
Georg Mayr-Duffner created an issue

Bug report #630 from Fontforge ( affects smtools too, it’s about hickups with localized decimal-points (I’m not sure if BlueScale validation is the only location affected–I’ll have to investigate on this):

As noted by "gluk" on the mailing list, the routine ValidatePrivate() in splinechar.c uses strtod() to read the BlueScale value from a Type 1 font dictionary. However, strtod() respects locale-specific "decimal point" characters, unlike Type 1, so that when reading fonts with locales where the decimal point is a comma, the number is misinterpreted, causing validation failures.

I count six uses of strtod() in splinechar.c, so this whole area needs reviewing and making locale-independent.

Initial message on the mailing list:

led to bug report #629 ( which suffered from premature closing.

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