The Input Field of the Metrics Window Ignores the X Compose Key Mechanism

Issue #9 resolved
baskerville created an issue

Steps to reproduce: Type <Compose>oe in the input field of the Metrics window. The resulting string is oe while it should be œ.

Comments (3)

  1. Khaled Hosny

    That is because our internal input method is interfering (some other text fields have XIM enabled, but not this one). I’m now more inclined to drop this thing completely and use XIM always, compose can be assigned to any key, no need for “expensive keyboards”. What do you think @chemoelectric?

  2. Khaled Hosny

    Drop our internal input method and always use XIM

    There is no much point re-inventing the wheel here, it is 2012 and anyone can setup XCompose. This fixes #9.

    → <<cset 689801a30622>>

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