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SpecGine / Intro

Adding intro

Our intro will consist of one slide with image. For purpose of this tutorial we will use our logo.

Getting assets

We start from downloading our logo from here. This is png file so in most cases you need to right click and select "save as". Move downloaded bitmap into directory android/assets.

Creating empty slide-show state

Displaying static images during intros in SpecGine is managed by SlideShowState class. We place it in file core/src/main/scala/Intro.scala.


import com.specdevs.specgine.states.SlideShowState

class Intro extends SlideShowState(nextState = "MainMenu") {
  def initialize() {}

  def create() {}

  def dispose() {}

SlideShowState expects us to specify what is the next state to visit after it finishes. We want to jump to "MainMenu" state after intro, so this is our nextState. Now we need to register our new state in game class Ping from file core/src/main/scala/Ping.scala.

  def initialize() {
    addGroup(new Menus, "Menus")
    addState(new MainMenu, "MainMenu", "Menus")
    addState(new Intro, "Intro", default=true)

Please notice that we can add addState line below other state registrations and still start the game from it if we specify default option.

Creating slide

What remains is adding new Slide implemented using ImageSlide.

Addjust initialize method in core/src/main/scala/Intro.scala to look like:

import com.specdevs.specgine.states.gdx.ImageSlide
  def initialize() {
    addSlides(new ImageSlide("SpecDevs-logo.png", width=Some(0.5f)))

We set width of image to half of screen width and its height will be calculated to preserve image aspect ratio. Image will be displayed for 5 seconds (1 second of fade-in, 3 seconds of fully visible image and 1 second of fade-out). Image stopped at any time by clicking mouse, touching touchscreen or pressing any key. There are more options in documentation for ImageSlide.

This all we had to do to see nice intro image at start of our game.

Next we will finally start coding the game itself by adding game state and renderer.

Having troubles with this step?

Here you can download project with all above steps completed.
