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last-split-pe is a method that can split-align a short DNA read to a reference genome. It achieves high accuracy by combining probabilistic alignments with information from paired-end reads.

Here's the basic idea:

Alt text

Download and Installation

You can download a copy of the source code from the Downloads link in the navigation bar, or you can clone the repository:

git clone

Once inside the src folder, run make. You might want to place the last-split-pe binary in a standard bin directory of your OS.

You will also need to download and install LAST. Make sure you are able to run the following LAST commands: last-pair-probs, lastdb, lastal, last-split, fastq-interleave.


The worflow consists of first using LAST to compute high-scoring local alignments of each read, ignoring pairing. Then last-split-pe computes a final (split-)alignment utilizing the pairing information.

Suppose we have a reference genome in fasta format in the file refGenome.fa, and paired-end reads in two files reads1.fastq and reads2.fastq.

Here are the commands:

lastdb -uNEAR db refGenome.fa
fastq-interleave reads1.fastq reads2.fastq |
lastal -Q1 db   | 
last-split -m 0.9 -n -fMAF+ | last-split-pe -f MEAN -s STD_DEV > output.sam
MEAN and STD_DEV stand for the mean and standard deviation of the distribution of fragment (from which the read pairs are sequenced) lengths. This can be estimated from a sample of the reads by using LAST's last-pair-prob as follows:

fastq-interleave reads1.fastq reads2.fastq | head -n80000 > sample.fastq
lastal -Q1 -D1000 -i1 db sample.fastq | last-pair-probs -e

What are all the commands doing?

lastdb constructs a suffix array of the reference. The -uNEAR option specifies a seeding strategy to find short and strong similarities (e.g. when comparing human reads to human reference).

fastq-interleave merges the two fastq files into one, such that reads of the same pair appear consecutively. It also appends "/1" and "/2" to the ends of the names of pair members, if that's not already the case.

lastal finds high-scoring local alignments of each read to the reference.

last-split computes the probability of each column of each alignment. The -m option discards local alignments with error probability more than 0.9. Decrease it to get more confident local alignments. The -n option, which is necessary, tells last-split not to compute a final split-alignment, as this will be handled by the next command.

last-split-pe updates the column probabilities based on alignments of the paired-end mates and reports a (split-)alignment of the reads. By default, it reports alignments of error probability less than 0.01; this can be controlled using the -m option.

Where is the SAM header?

The script (inside the scripts folder) reads in the reference genome fasta file and generates SAM header lines containing information about the reference. This can be appended to the top of the SAM output.

python refGenome.fa > samHeader
cat samHeader output.sam > output_withHeader.sam

The following achieves the same result without having to hold output.sam separately on disk.

python refGenome.fa;
lastal -Q1 -i1 db reads.fastq | last-split -m 0.9 -n -fMAF+ | last-split-pe -f MEAN -s STD_DEV ;
} > output_withHeader.sam

Multi-threaded operation

Make sure GNU parallel is installed.

Assume we have already constructed the index of the reference and that reads have been interleaved.

Then, suppose we want to launch 10 threads.

parallel --gnu --pipe -L8 -j10 "lastal -Q1 -i1 db  | last-split -m 0.9 -n -fMAF+ | last-split-pe -f MEAN -s STD_DEV " < interleaved.fastq > output.sam

If reads are in fasta format

We need to modify only the lastal arguments as follows:

lastal  -Q0 -i1 db reads.fasta 
By default, LAST uses a different scoring if the query is in fasta format. See LAST options for how to set match/mismatch scores and gap penalties. See last-train to automatically find suitable scoring parameters for you data.

Publication and Supplementary Data

Details of the algorithm can be found in the following paper:

Anish M S Shrestha, Naruki Yoshikawa, and Kiyoshi Asai : Combining probabilistic alignments with read pair information improves accuracy of split-alignments, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 21, 1 November 2018, Pages 3631–3637

Scripts and data used for performance evaluation are available here .


anish.shrestha --atmark-- or --atmark--
