rtorrent script

Issue #24 resolved
Former user created an issue


If you make a script that people can add to rtorrents download.finished that autocreates and uploads srr-files you would receive tons more uploads

Comments (7)

  1. Gfy

    Scripts for both things exist, you just need to combine them together. It looks like rTorrent is a Unix cli torrent client, so the people using this should be able to do this themselves pretty easily.

    Two steps: generate the SRR + upload

    • bin/pyrescene.py -c -s /path/release_dir -o /optional/output/dir (there will be more options in future versions. -s might be skipped on a box with heavy load)
    • Two working upload scripts to choose from: http://rescene.wikidot.com/upload-scripts (the simple Perl one just uploads the SRR. The Python script has some more advanced features and a config file with the ability to set a proxy for the more paranoid users)

    Also, try not to upload completely anonymous. Make an account and set it to anonymous instead. (we can provide feedback, spot new uploaders and watch truly anonymous uploads more closely)

    If you get a complete script working with rTorrent, please do add it here.

  2. Gfy

    "There's not a problem in parsing completed downloads list, but there is a problem to predict torrent file structure. packs, which have unpredictable structure"

    The -r parameter can be added. This ensures that packs will be handled correctly. For a single release it won't make a difference.

  3. Gfy
    system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,srr_me,"execute=~/create_srr.sh,$d.get_name="

    It's a config line with external script to create srr

    srr and upload goes in create_srr.sh which get release name as parameter

    can you also pass the path to the script?

    maybe you can with $d.get_base_path=,$d.get_name=

    in script $1 would be the path and $2 the release name

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