
Sebastian Sardina FAQ for using SARL + SWI/JPL Prolog + Maven

Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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-# FAQ for using SARL + SWI Prolog + Maven
+# FAQ for using SARL + SWI Prolog (with JPL) + Maven
 This is a collection of questions/issues that arose from my teaching of Agent Oriented Programming, where I have assessments in [SARL]( and [SWI Prolog](, all packaged with [Apache Maven](
+We use ECLIPSE to develop SARL applications.
 ### How do I make ECLIPSE know about environment variables (e.g., `SARL_VERSION`)?
 I can imagine there are other ways, but the way I made it work is by starting ECLIPSE from CLI with the variable exported already:
     * This will require first to install [Eclipse Dynamic Language Toolkit]( (DLTK) 
         * You can use this update link:
+# IntelliJ
+We use IntelliJ to develop pure Java applications.
+### When I run an application I get erro saying `no jpl in java.library.path`?
+IntelliJ cannot find the native library as it does not have `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` set correctly. See next question.
+### How do I tell IntelliJ about environment variables (like `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`)?
+You set environment variables (if not set already system-wide) for each run/debug configuration.
+Since it is painful to do it manually for each, one should first modify the Templates in "Run/Debug Configuration" to include the environment variables needed, for example `LD_PRELOAD`, `SWI_HOME_DIR`, and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. 
+See this [post](
+For example, modify the JUnit template by just enter this string in "Environment variables":
+       LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/swipl-git/lib/swipl/lib/x86_64-linux/;SWI_HOME_DIR=/usr/local/swipl-git/lib/swipl/;
+Then, create a new Run from the template, and it will already inherit the environment variables.
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 ### Making JPL work under Mac OS
-Please refer to [this entry]( in the JPL wiki.
+Please refer to [this entry]( in the JPL documentation. (Note: that is from 2018; it may be fixed in newer versions)
 ### What does `+`, `-`, `?` mean in predicate specifications?
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 Basically you need to let the system know which SWI Prolog is installed and you want to use. 
+#### Linux
 If you are using a Linux distribution install, you would do something like this:
     export SWI_HOME_DIR=/usr/lib/swi-prolog/
     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SWI_HOME_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux/:$SWI_HOME_DIR/lib/amd64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     export$LD_PRELOAD   # only if necessary and your app complains
+#### Windows
+* A system variable `SWI_HOME_DIR` points to the root of SWI install.
+* System variable `Path` should include `%SWI_HOME_DIR%\bin` and `%SWI_HOME_DIR%\lib\jpl.jar`.
 ### My Java/SARL application cannot cannot find JPL!
 There could be many reasons and it may depend on the OS you are using. 
-First of all, make sure you have SWI-Prolog installed, either:
+First of all, make sure you have **SWI-Prolog installed**, either:
 * Stable version 7.6.4 as per standard Linux repository or executable install from SWI page.
 * Compiled 8.1.x+ version from [swipl-devel repo](
     * Note current (Feb 2019) stable 8.0.x version has a problem with `` which makes JPL crash.
-Second, make sure you also have the **JPL package** installed in the system. This is an additional SWI module, it is not part of the core.
+Second, make sure you also have the **JPL package installed** in the system. This is an additional SWI module, it is not part of the core.
 * In **Windows**, it is easy as you can click to install JPL Java<-->SWI interface at installation time. 
     * You should see `jpl.dll` file in `%SWI_HOME_DIR%/bin` and `jpl.jar` in `%SWI_HOME_DIR%/lib`.
     * In ARCH, you can generate it and install it using AUR package builder and `swi-prolog-git` package. Running the default PKG build file is enough to get JPL installed.
     * In MAC, we don't know how to make it work, as there is a glitch in one of the packages built for Mac... :-( [if you make it work, please let me know!]
-Finally, make sure your system is aware of both SWI and JPL:
-* In **Windows**, make sure:
-    * A system variable `SWI_HOME_DIR` points to the root of SWI install.
-    * System variable `Path` includes `%SWI_HOME_DIR%\bin` and `%SWI_HOME_DIR%\lib\jpl.jar`.
-* In **Linux**, make sure you set-up variables `LD_PRELOAD`, `SWI_HOME_DIR`, and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` as per question before.
+Finally, make sure your system is aware of both SWI and JPL by setting the appropiate env variables; see previous above.
 If you are using SARL, you may also refer to the instructions of the [SARL Prolog Capacity](
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 ### What environment variables I should care about (in Linux)?
-Basically you need to let the system know which SWI Prolog is installed and you want to use. I run this in my Linux box as I have cloned the SWi git repo and installed it at `/usr/local/swipl-git`:
+Basically you need to let the system know which SWI Prolog is installed and you want to use. 
+If you are using a Linux distribution install, you would do something like this:
+    export SWI_HOME_DIR=/usr/lib/swi-prolog/
+    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SWI_HOME_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux/:$SWI_HOME_DIR/lib/amd64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+    export$LD_PRELOAD   # only if necessary and your app complains
+The reason why we have two library paths is that `lib/amd64/` is used for SWI 7.6.4, whereas `lib/x86_64-linux/` is used in 8.x.x versions.
+If, instead, you compiled the SWI from git sources and installed at `/usr/local/swipl-git`, you would do something like this:
     export SWI_HOME_DIR=/usr/local/swipl-git/lib/swipl/
     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SWI_HOME_DIR/lib/x86_64-linux/:$SWI_HOME_DIR/lib/amd64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     export$LD_PRELOAD   # only if necessary and your app complains
 ### My Java/SARL application cannot cannot find JPL!
 There could be many reasons and it may depend on the OS you are using. 
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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-## How do I make ECLIPSE know about environment variables (e.g., `SARL_VERSION`)?
+### How do I make ECLIPSE know about environment variables (e.g., `SARL_VERSION`)?
 I can imagine there are other ways, but the way I made it work is by starting ECLIPSE from CLI with the variable exported already:
 If you find another way that ECLIPSE can gather the environment variables (without re-defining them one by one), let me know! 
-## What plugins are useful to develop on SARL in ECLIPSE?
+### What plugins are useful to develop on SARL in ECLIPSE?
 On the SARL ECLIPSE distribution I install:
 * The types of queries available: [One-shot vs Iterative](
 * How [multi-threading queries]( work under JPL.
-## Making JPL work under Mac OS
+### Making JPL work under Mac OS
 Please refer to [this entry]( in the JPL wiki.
-## What does `+`, `-`, `?` mean in predicate specifications?
+### What does `+`, `-`, `?` mean in predicate specifications?
 Check [here](
-## What environment variables I should care about (in Linux)?
+### What environment variables I should care about (in Linux)?
 Basically you need to let the system know which SWI Prolog is installed and you want to use. I run this in my Linux box as I have cloned the SWi git repo and installed it at `/usr/local/swipl-git`:
 There could be many reasons and it may depend on the OS you are using. 
-First of all, _do you have the **JPL package installed** in the system?_
+First of all, make sure you have SWI-Prolog installed, either:
+* Stable version 7.6.4 as per standard Linux repository or executable install from SWI page.
+* Compiled 8.1.x+ version from [swipl-devel repo](
+    * Note current (Feb 2019) stable 8.0.x version has a problem with `` which makes JPL crash.
+Second, make sure you also have the **JPL package** installed in the system. This is an additional SWI module, it is not part of the core.
 * In **Windows**, it is easy as you can click to install JPL Java<-->SWI interface at installation time. 
     * You should see `jpl.dll` file in `%SWI_HOME_DIR%/bin` and `jpl.jar` in `%SWI_HOME_DIR%/lib`.
     * In ARCH, you can generate it and install it using AUR package builder and `swi-prolog-git` package. Running the default PKG build file is enough to get JPL installed.
     * In MAC, we don't know how to make it work, as there is a glitch in one of the packages built for Mac... :-( [if you make it work, please let me know!]
-Once JPL is in your system, you need to make the **system is aware** of it!
+Finally, make sure your system is aware of both SWI and JPL:
 * In **Windows**, make sure:
     * A system variable `SWI_HOME_DIR` points to the root of SWI install.
 ### Seems my SARL application cannot find JPL!
-There could be many reasons and it may depend on the OS you are using. 
-First of all, _do you have the **JPL package installed** in the system?_
-* In **Windows**, it is easy as you can click to install JPL Java<-->SWI interface at installation time. 
-    * You should get jpl.dll file in `%SWI_HOME_DIR%/bin` and `jpl.jar` in `%SWI_HOME_DIR%/lib`.
-* In **Linux**, you need to make sure `` and `jpl.jar` are somewhere! If you cannot find it, then you may need to install JPL. 
-    * In Ubuntu, it is provided with package `swi-prolog-java`. 
-    * In ARCH,  you can generate it and install it using AUR package builder and `swi-prolog-git` package. Running the default PKG build file is enough to get JPL installed.
-    * In MAC, we don't know how to make it work, as there is a glitch in one of the packages built for Mac... :-( [if you make it work, please let me know!]
-Once JPL is in your system, you need to make the **system is aware** of it!
-* In **Windows**, make sure:
-    * A system variable `SWI_HOME_DIR` points to the root of SWI install.
-    * System variable `Path` includes `%SWI_HOME_DIR%\bin` and `%SWI_HOME_DIR%\lib\jpl.jar`.
-* In **Linux**, make sure:
-    * `export$LD_PRELOAD`
-    * `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/swi-prolog/lib/amd64/` (or wherever `` is located)
+There could be many reasons and it may depend on the OS you are using. You need to have SWI-Prolog, JPL package, and the right environment variables set-up.
-With this, your SARL application should be able to recognize where JPL is (hopefully!) :-)
+Check [this question](
-You may also refer to the instructions of the [SARL Prolog Capacity](
 ### Strange error in CLI when using occurence on left hand side of assignments
 Consider this code:
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10

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