
Sebastian Sardina FAQ for using SARL + SWI/JPL Prolog + Maven

Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 To state the POM to get all sources (and javadocs) of dependencies, check [this post](
+### Error from Google Lirary related to a Java 9 class 
+The version of the [maven-compiler-plugin]( should not be higher than `3.6.2` because the newer versions are using Java 1.9. And, it may cause problems during the compilation process.
+In reality, the [maven-compiler-plugin]( is not mandatory at all in the POM because Maven is supposed to download one when needed for compilation.
+If you encounter strange error related to the use of an Java 9 class from the Google library, then you have to specify the maven-compiler-plugin in order to avoid it:
+            <plugin>
+				<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+				<artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+				<version>3.6.2</version>
+				<configuration>
+					<source>${compiler.level}</source>
+					<target>${compiler.level}</target>
+					<encoding>${}</encoding>
+				</configuration>
+			</plugin>
+### How to assemble my whole SARL application in a JAR file?
+You can use `maven-assembly-plugin` build pluin:
+	    <plugin>
+			    <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
+			    <version>3.1.0</version>
+			    <configuration>
+			        <archive>
+			            <manifest>
+			                <addClasspath>true</addClasspath>
+			                <mainClass>BootMAS</mainClass>
+			            </manifest>
+			        </archive>
+			        <descriptorRefs>
+			            <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef>
+			        </descriptorRefs>
+			    </configuration>
+				<!--  EXECUTIONS -->
+			    <executions>
+					<!--  Assemble an application bundle or distribution from an assembly descriptor.  -->
+			        <execution>
+			            <phase>package</phase>
+			            <goals>
+			                <goal>single</goal>
+			            </goals>
+			        </execution>
+			    </executions>
+		    </plugin>
+Note that with version `3.1.0`  this may take quite longer to compile, as all dependencies are packaged into a single, often large, JAR file.
 ### SARL is similar to Java but has different syntax in many places, how come?
 Because it uses and builts on [XTEND]( framework.
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 If you think a question is worth putting it here, please let me know, I am happy to add it! THANKS!
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 This is a collection of questions/issues that arose from my teaching of Agent Oriented Programming, where I have assessments in [SARL]( and [SWI Prolog](, all packaged with [Apache Maven](
+If you think a question is worth putting it here, please let me know, I am happy to add it! THANKS!
 ### How do I make ECLIPSE know about environment variables (e.g., `SARL_VERSION`)?
 ### How do I tell maven to work offline (not check anything on the internet)?
 ### SARL is similar to Java but has different syntax in many places, how come?
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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 ### How do I make ECLIPSE know about environment variables (e.g., `SARL_VERSION`)?
 If you find another way that ECLIPSE can gather the environment variables (without re-defining them one by one), let me know! 
-## SARL
 ### SARL is similar to Java but has different syntax in many places, how come?
Updated by Sebastian Sardina

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+### How do I make ECLIPSE know about environment variables (e.g., `SARL_VERSION`)?
+I can imagine there are other ways, but the way I made it work is by starting ECLIPSE from CLI with the variable exported already:
+    $ export SARL_ECLIPSE=0.7.2
+    $ ./eclipse-sarl 
+If you find another way that ECLIPSE can gather the environment variables (without re-defining them one by one), let me know! 
+### How do I tell maven to work offline (not check anything on the internet)?
+Use the `-o` option for offline mode (e.g., `mvn -o clean package`): <>
+Note you will still need to build the system online at least one, so that your system has the chance to get all the dependencies and store them under `~/.m2/`
+### Why maven is not downloading the sources of dependencies?
+ECLPSE IDE seems to download all sources by default. To get the sources via CLI: `mvn dependency:sources`
+To state the POM to get all sources (and javadocs) of dependencies, check [this post](
 ## SARL
 ### SARL is similar to Java but has different syntax in many places, how come?
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