Cannot Get this to Run + Causing Conflit with official minidlna

Issue #20 new
Former user created an issue

I have a few questions for this tool. I would really love some help. Now my working minidlna server has also been broken while I do this.

1) Do I need the official Minidlna installed as well? The reason I am asking is because sometimes depending on which parameters I ran and which conf file I was pointing too the name of the media server would be different. Hence why I feel like there might be some conflict between the two. I tried to remove the official minidlna but now nothing works. So with a clean slate I was wondering how I should proceed.

2) After following the instructions in the README, how do I actually start the program? Like Below? How would I also get it to boot on startup? I know you say editing the conf file, then what? How to you start the program, confirm its starting, how can you reset it to force a rescan of media or to use the update configuration file?

pi@raspberrypi:~/readymedia-transcode $ minidlnad -f minidlna.conf

3) What do I need to update in the minidlna.conf file. For example my TV only supports AC3 or MP3 audio stream, would my config file look something like this? Is the syntax and path correct?

pi@raspberrypi:~/readymedia-transcode $ cat minidlna.conf
#Audio Section


#Video Section



#Image Section


My Transcoding Script

ffmpeg -ss $STARTPOSITION -t $DURATION -i "$SOURCE" -loglevel quiet -acodec libmp3lame -f ac3 -ar 44100 -ab 224k pipe:1

I would really love some help.

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