Feature Request: Profile selection for transcoding

Issue #7 new
mightymouse2045 created an issue

Hi this is a feature request to allow us to assign devices to profiles for transcoding.

I have multiple devices on my network, some are wired smart tv's and receivers that don't require any transcoding, some are wifi connected tablets and phones, and specifically they are different devices that have different requirements for transcoding. ie some can handle a larger resolution, and bitrate for audio and video, than others.

It would be great to be able to see a list in the webmin module for the devices that are connected or registerd to the minidlna server, and then select a transcoding profile to use from a dropdown list for that device.

This is how Twonky Media Server handles this, however they have stopped providing a free version as of late last year, and the old version doesn't take advantage of certain improvements in the transcoding capabilities of the latest version of Townky Server, and so I get a lot of stuttering on the phones and tablets, and a fairly high cpu utilisation on the twonky server itself.

Comments (2)

  1. mightymouse2045 reporter

    Just to add to the above - I realise that devices can be given custom transcoding settings already, but it relies on having the correct headers set in clients.c and having to rebuild if you come across new clients that aren't listed in clients.c.

    It would be nice to still keep that functionality, but also include the above so as to be able to allow for those clients, or change a devices transcoding settings on the fly.

    It could even be as simple as selecting another client name for that device - which has an already custom transcoding setup in the minidlna.conf file.

    For example client gets detected as a samung series tv, but I want to be able to run a comparison transcoding command. So go into webadmin and change the device name to 'Generic DLNA 1.5' - which I have already configured a custom transcode line for in the config file, and play the movie again.

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