"Pick Outdated Files" missing in the "Boost::Test Task configuration"

Issue #7 closed
Marvin Sielenkemper created an issue

I would like to enable the "Pick Outdated Files" option since not all commits in our repository affect the tests. Currently those builds lead to a failed build due to "no tests found".

Comments (10)

  1. Sergey Podobry

    Hi @oc_sielenkemper !

    This option is under Advanced options section and named Pick up test results that were created outside of this build.

  2. Marvin Sielenkemper reporter

    Hi @Sergius,

    thanks for your fast reply!

    But I don't see Advanced options anywhere:


    Is that something I need to enable for bamboo?

  3. Sergey Podobry

    It appears only if Parse-only mode is on (otherwise it has no much sense). Could you tell me more about what do you want to accomplish?

  4. Marvin Sielenkemper reporter

    Ah, I see.

    As you can see, we have a dedicated test project, which is build in both debug and release configuration. The binaries produced there are then run by your task to get the test results into Bamboo. Now certain changes do not trigger a rebuild of the test binaries (e.g. new translations for text resources). If this happens, your task does not report any test results to Bamboo and we get a failed build with the message


    I assume you check whether the executables are new and only run them if that is the case. I would like to have them run again to avoid the "build failed" result. I was about to add a touch script task for the executables when I saw the Pick Outdated Files in your documentation but not in the UI...

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