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GNU PlotUtils FD-Patch / Home

What is PlotUtils FD-patch

This patch provides several new features for graph program of GNU plotutils-2.6. The main purpose of this patch is to use graph command in Draw.

Draw legends

You can draw legends by new input format "Legend". This is a datafile of form: X-value Y-value [[position]:string] For example

2.3 3.5
2.4 3.7
2.5 3.8 lc:T\sb0\eb
2.6 3.4 
By using this data, we can write string T_0, which left center is positioned at point (2.5,3.8). Position can be the combination of

l left
r right
c center
t top
b bottom
R rotate text by 90 deg
D rotate text by 180 deg
L rotate text by 270 deg
> put arrow at the end of last segment
< put arrow at the start of last segment
C closed curve (filled by -q X option)

New options

  • --toggle-no-subticks {x|y} Omit subticks for x or y.
  • --toggle-no-ticklabels {x|y} Omit labels for x or y.
  • --label-exponent {x|y} Force write numeric label in exponent style.
  • --symbol-line-width X Write symbols with line width X.
  • --label-font-name N Font name for label and legends.
  • --label-font-size X Font size for label and legends.
  • --toggle-ignore-errorbar Do not draw error bar for input-type E.

Support SVG file

XML encoding is replaced to "UTF-8" from "ISO-8859-1". Special characters are mapped to unicode characters.

Font name "Times" in original version sometimes causes problems. This version uses "Times New Roman" instead. Font name "Avant Garde" is replaced to "Century". Font name "Bookman" is replaced to "Bookman Old Style". "New Century Schoolbook" is to "Century Schoolbook", "Palatino" to "Book Antiqua".

New linemodes

New linemods "dotdotdashed"(6) "dotdotdotdashed"(7) is available as well as "solid" (1), "dotted"(2), "dot dashed"(3), "short dashed"(4), "long dashed"(5).
