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Waralaba Murah Madu Asli dan Susu Kambing Etawa / What is html ?

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HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language, By Language can be categorized as follows : Hypertext means a written word or phrase that has a non - sequential branching with a variety of options that will make reading more interesting on the interactive screen. Markup Language is a language that combines the text ( hypertext ) with the information to be displayed.

Meanwhile, according to the definition of the term HTML is the language that is used as a standard static web page builder, serves to display a form that is integrated and written in ASCII format, these languages ​​originated from SGML ( Standard Generalized Markup Language ) are commonly used in the world of publishing and printing. This language was first created by TIM Caillau with Berners - lee rober.

HTML language is usually instructed by code-named TAGS, beginning with ( < ) and end with ( > ), for example

Paragraphs :


Header : <header> CONTENT CONTENT </header> Article : <article> CONTENT CONTENT </article>

HTML function itself can be used to integrate an image with text, create links, the integration of sound and video files, HTML language also allows us to view or edit the file we want to send it through online media, such as determining the size of the group of words that would be used as titles, headings, etc., make italics, bold print to determine certain characteristics.

Reference: 1. Susu Kambing Etawa 2. Susu Kambing 3. Jual Madu Asli
