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Breadcrumb Navigation Bar / Home

How it works

The plugin insert a horizontal navigation bar. It is based on a breadcrumb visualization, i.e. the whole hierarchy of the current page is displayed. At each level of the hierarchy, you are able to access other pages using a tree navigation mode. The first level displays all available spaces. Hence you are able to browse all allowed pages of your instance.

See screenshot for simpler explanation.


By default, the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar is displayed in all pages belonging to spaces. However, you can select spaces on which it should be deactivated. Go to the space administration screens, and configure the plugin starting from the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar entry in Look and Feel section.

#UI customization

By default, the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar is displayed below the header. You can customize its location by specifying it explicitly somewhere in your templates:

  • insert the "<ul id="breadcrumb-navigation-bar></ul>" element in your template files
  • or customize a theme or some pages using the "breadcrumb-navigation-bar" macro.

To ensure the bar will be only displayed for these definitions, you will have to configure the activation mode in space settings: choose "Manual" instead of "Auto".

Of course, you can also customizing styles of the bar by overriding CSS rules.


Only spaces and pages authorized for current user are displayed.

Hi, trying to leave a comment ... dont see a way. Anyhow, seems not to work for version 5.7.1? The left side navigation sits over the top of it:

I'm testing the add-on for Confluence 5.10 and have the same issue. The full bread crumb only display when the left navigation is collapsed. Worked OK in Confluence 5.7.

EmulationToolEnvironment - CAD - SEG Confluence - Development.png
