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libgxim / HowToDebugLibgxim

How to debug libgxim

This page describes the way to gather the necessary information to speed up debugging libgxim when you face any issues relates to XIM protocol particularly. This procedure however may not helps, if your issues is the kind of:

  • a performance issue
  • an issue in Input Method itself
  • an application specific issue
  • you could track it down with other XIM servers or clients.

You may want to track your issue down before following up the steps. that would be appreciated if you can find out the way to reproduce that with the minimum effort.


  1. Set a filename to save the logs.
    $ dbus-send --session --type=signal /org/tagoh/libgxim org.tagoh.libgxim.SetFilename string:/path/to/logfile
  2. Enable the appropriate filters
    $ dbus-send --session --type=signal /org/tagoh/libgxim org.tagoh.libgxim.RemoveAllFilters
    $ dbus-send --session --type=signal /org/tagoh/libgxim org.tagoh.libgxim.AddFilter string:all
  3. Enable the logging facility
    $ dbus-send --session --type=signal /org/tagoh/libgxim org.tagoh.libgxim.Activate boolean:true
