When removing elements from 'allowed elements', it's _contents_ are removed, instead of unwrapping it.

Issue #2 resolved
Bob den Otter created an issue

sample code, where I've removed <div> from allowed_elements:


require_once "htmlmaid/src/Maid/Maid.php";

use Maid\Maid;
use Maid\Parser;

$html = file_get_contents('vragen_in.htm');

$options = array();
$options['allowed-tags'] = array('html', 'body', 'p', 'em', 'img', 'i', 'b', 'li', 'ol', 'ul', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
$options['remove-tags'] = array('head', 'script');
$options['allowed-attribs'] = array('id'); // 'src', 'class', 
$options['strip-comments'] = true;
$maid = new Maid($options);
echo $maid->clean($html);

file_put_contents('vragen_uit.htm', $maid->clean($html));

Expected result:



<p>Verzekeringen, vergoedingen</p>



etc.. etc.. 

actual result:



The used input file is attached to this issue.

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