
Clone wiki

Mesh / US / 79956050

Title: Register a new account

Primary Actor: User

Preconditions: User must not be authenticated and must be in the login page (e.g.

Main Success Scenario:

1. User presses the “Not yet a Member? Create Account Now” button in the login page.
2. User fills in the registration form with the required information (First name, Last name, username, email address, password, confirm password, birthdate, country).
3. Form data is validated.
4. System sends an email to the specified email address with an activation link.
5. User opens the activation link to successfully register his account with the system and log in.


    a. A form field is invalid.
        1. User is told of the error and asked to correct the form information; Use case continues at step 3.
    b. Username is already in use.
        1. User is notified and asked to use a different username; Use case continues at step 3.
    c. Email is already in use.
        1. User is notified and it is suggested that they recover their password.
