
Clone wiki

Mesh / US / 79956098

Title: Send a private message

Primary Actor: Authenticated User

Preconditions: In the secondary alternative scenario, the Authenticated User must have received a message from any other user.

Main Success Scenario:

1. Authenticated User navigates to another Registered User’s profile page.
2. Authenticated User presses the “Send Message” button in the Registered User’s profile.
3. Authenticated User is redirected to the message creation window with the selected user as the recipient.
4. Authenticated User types the message title and content and presses the message submission button.
5. Message is registered by the system and is sent to the other user, visible in his message inbox.

Alternative Success Scenario:

1. Authenticated User navigate to messages page, from the main navigation menu.
2. In the messages page, Authenticated User clicks the message creation button.
3. Authenticated User is redirected to the message creation window.
4. Authenticated User types the message recipient (some valid user’s name), title and content and presses the message submission button.
5. Message is registered by the system and is sent to the other user, visible in his message inbox.

Secondary Alternative Success Scenario:

1. Authenticated User navigate to messages page, from the main navigation menu.
2. In the messages page, Authenticated User clicks on a message in his messages inbox list.
3. Authenticated User presses the reply button, opening a message creation panel.
4. Authenticated User types the message recipient (some valid user’s name), title and content and presses the message submission button.
5. Message is registered by the system and is sent to the other user, visible in his message inbox.


    a. The recipient of the message has blocked the Authenticated User or all messages.
        1. User is notified that the message can not be sent.
