
Clone wiki

Mesh / US / 79956166

Title: Edit profile (System Administrator)

Primary Actor: System Administrator

Preconditions: User must be authenticated and have an administrator account, must have searched for the intended user to edit

Main Success Scenario:

1. System Administrator opens the intended Registered User profile
2. System Administrator selects the “Edit Profile” button
3. System Administrator edits the desired information
4. Form data is validated
5. System sends an email to the edited Registered User informing their profile was modified
6. System Administrator is redirected to the Registered User profile page


    a. A form field is invalid.
        1. System Administrator is told of the error and asked to correct the form information; Use case continues at step 4.
    b. Username is already in use.
        1. System Administrator is notified and asked to use a different username; Use case continues at step 4.
