Context sensitive Layer tab actions

Issue #29 resolved
Chris Heidt created an issue

The layer tab actions should include all options currently found on the Layer node's context menu: * Move Up * Move Down * Rename * Toggle State (rename?) * Remove as well as those found on the root node: * Add Layer

Comments (5)

  1. Bruce Schubert
    • changed status to open

    Working on Move Up and Move Down actions. Implemented in XML Layer with system MoveUpAction and MoveDownAction, but a specialized action is required that will ensure the focus is returned to the layer manager node. Otherwise, the Layer Tools menu doesn't remain visible, so you can't click the action multiple times in a row.

  2. Bruce Schubert

    Completed Layer Tools contextual menu.
    See: 44663cf

    Note, a bug exists in the system MoveUpAction: the selected node is not tracked correctly after it is invoked.

  3. Bruce Schubert
    • changed status to open

    LayerTools throws an exception if getInstance() is called before the Ribbon is initialized. Will change exception to log entry.

  4. Bruce Schubert

    Layer Manager: removed exception in LayerTools. Fixed #29 - Replaced exception with a warning log entry if LayerTools.getInstance is called before Ribbon is initialized.

    → <<cset 5c90b1eac601>>

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