The Globe's View Controls (pan, tilt, zoom) do not release after mouse click

Issue #57 resolved
Bruce Schubert created an issue

Once clicked, the view control continues to repeat the selected action (e.g. zoom) until another view control is clicked. It is very hard to stop the repeat action.

This issue may be related to a fix for WorldWind 1.5.1 in Terramenta 1.3.1, see issue #11.

Comments (11)

  1. Chris Heidt

    lol, my favorite part of this bug is hitting the vertical exaggeration button and watching the mountains grow into outerspace....

  2. Chris Heidt

    unfortunately it is completely unrelated to the SelectController since removing it entirely provided the same result.

  3. Bruce Schubert reporter

    This issue is extremely frustrating from a user perspective. Any clues? I started a discussion on the dev-forum here.

  4. Bruce Schubert reporter

    I haven't looked into this yet, but I did find a way to cancel the repeat action in the UI:

    • Release the mouse button outside of the control. E.g., perform the mouse button down on the button and the mouse button release off the button.

    Perhaps this is a clue.

  5. Chris Heidt

    I was thinking all along that this was a World Wind 2.0 issue when in fact it was a NetBeans 8.0 issue.

    For some reason the ActionReference and/or RibbonActionReference now cause the TopComponents constructor to construct twice... thus reapplying the globe construction steps and doubling up on all registured listeners. two viewcontrolsselectlistener's where fighting each other.

    I have temporarly commented out the actionreferences, until a better solution is determined. Don't close your globe window!!!!

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