Mistaken dates in timesheet email-report

Issue #734 resolved
Former user created an issue


I configure timesheet report to see last 7 days (today is 14th of Dec, so period = 7th - 14th):

Буфер обмена-1.jpg

Next I click Send e-mail and receive report with wrong dates:

Буфер обмена-4.jpg

Also in JIRA I choose Subscriptions and I click Preview for that new subscription:

Буфер обмена-2.jpg

And see again wrong dates:

Буфер обмена-3.jpg

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vitaly,

    I should admit it works as designed. Email worls as gadget, and tries to determne parameters from report. So it's should be better to use gadget, click Details, then Subscribe. It should take Reporting Day from gadget. Otherwise it takes Reporting Day: Today. So days are shifted.

    Hope it clarifies.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I haven't understood a sence. How can I create every-day-email-report about last 7 days without details? That's my goal. I have already been trying unsuccessfully to get it for last 2 week.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    It's problematic. In this particular case you will have to adjust url in browser, after you click Details in gadget. Change parameter to showDetails=false, then Subscribe.

    Or you may add reportingDay=0, and offset parameters in report url.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    The bug is that instead of dates that I point email report has dates 7 days earlier. For example, I point "End Date" as today - email report will have End Date as today - 7 days. As I understand you should just fix dates in email subscribed reports.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    May be you did End Date in email report algorithm equal Start Date from Form of configure

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