Incorrect time shown on reports for Pivot By Status (elapsed)

Issue #950 resolved
Paul Gretton created an issue

I am trying to generate a report to show time spent in each status for each issue, however, the time that is being recorded on elapsed report is incorrect.

It is showing time longer than the actual issue has been open on several issues. Sometimes showing weeks in report when issue has only been open for days.

Please see attached screenshots (anonymised), this is causing major problems with being able to prove SLA's are being met, please can you advise how to resolve.

Comments (26)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Paul,

    I think the problem or just misunderstanding is that time is shown in terms of 8 hours per day, 5 days per week.

    Thank you.

  2. Paul Gretton reporter

    Hi Andriy, Thank you very much for the quick reply. Just to clarify your answer.

    Are you saying that elapsed time is actually 24 hrs a day, but the report is then converting this into 8hrs pd, 5 days pw.

    So as an example 1708 was created on 9th Dec so 4 days ago 4 x 24 = 96/8 = 12/5 = 2.4 weeks (roughly).

    However what i am actually looking for is the actual 8hr, 5day calc, i.e created on the 9th Dec so this is actually only 2.5 days. 8hrs + 8 + 4 = 20 = 2.5 days

    Is there anyway to change this on my report to only record 8hrs, 5days and not 24 hours? If not then my figures are going to be skewed and cannot present back to the business confidentially.

    Thanks and Regards


  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Yes, I think it incorrectly shows 5 days ago as 2.4 weeks. It might be a bug, but if you switch off Pretty Duration option in add-on configuration, it should show hours, correctly but quite useless.

  4. Paul Gretton reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Thank you that has fixed the w h m view but still is showing as the 24 hour count value so is still not giving me the correct time count.

    Unfortunately, I cannot even create a formula in excel to transform this to the correct 8hr/5dy value as I would need to know exactly what time it moved from status to status to be able to calculate.

    Are you saying that this is actually a bug as per my understanding it should only be showing the 8hrs/5day value not the 24 hour value?

    If so what are your timescales for fixes?

    Thank you for your help with this, and quick response, I'm very impressed with your response on this.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Paul,

    Would appreciate your help. In you example time elapsed since 9th of December, i.e. 93.08h can be shown as 3d 21h 48m, but I think that 21h is not expected in 8 hours per day, so it should be 3d 7h 48m, because 21h rates to 24 hours per day the same as 7h rates to 8 hours per day.

    Do you agree?

    Note, in this case pretty duration will not strictly match the raw hours value, but I hope it's fine.

    Thank you.

  6. Paul Gretton reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Yes, this looks good thank you.

    One question, are you looking at actual time the ticket changes status i.e 11:34am to determine the count or time of day? And what time is being used for the 8 hour count i.e 9 to 5pm, 8 to 4 etc?

    To explain based on the above numbers

    if the ticket moves from "new" status to "In progress" status at say

    10am - 3d 21h 48m to 3d 7h 48m is ok

    but if the ticket moved at say

    12pm - 3d 21h 48m to 3d 7h 48m would be incorrect, as should be 3d 5h 48m

    Hope that makes sense.

    Just checking so I understand the logic behind the count for my report.


  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Duration is calculated as time between time of day the issue is created and time of day the issue is moved to a status.

    So fix is to show duration as logical i.e. as 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, instead of actual 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, but conversion is not linear, consider it as rounding, as round of sum of values does not equal to sum of rounded values.

  8. Paul Gretton reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Ok thanks for this, this is good for now and allows me to report better, thank you very much for your help.

    I do have a suggestion also, if I may, to help going forward as a future enhancement.

    There could be two versions of this. One as we have discussed, but also one that allows users to configure their working hours which is used to record the time.

    So they would be able to set actual hours of day or working days and this is used to count hours, which would be more specific to their way of working.

    i.e 8 to 6pm or 9 to 5pm or 8 to 4pm etc

    As opposed to number of hours.

    and also days per week 4,5,6,7 etc

    Again massive thanks for your very quick response and resolution to this.

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Fix is applied, could you please try if it works as expected? Note, you need to enable Pretty Duration.

    As for further improvement, I should admit it's too complicated, so I don't think it's possible, sorry.

  10. Paul Gretton reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    That is much better thank you for the quick work on this.

    Still slight discrepancies on some items, but this is showing under as opposed to over hours so can live with this and correct on report.

    Thanks again for your dedication to get this resolved, very Impressed and will be recommending this add on to all my colleagues and clients.

    Thanks again

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Paul,

    Great, thank you for confirmation and feedback.

    I agree real fix would be to implement something closer to what you suggested above.

    I will keep this issue open to try to fix it to calculate "working hours" at least, instead of actual time, but not that fast.

    Thank you.

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