Problems during Upgrade from v2.7.5 to v2.9.6

Issue #1009 resolved
Gonzalo Benítez created an issue


We are doing the upgrade of TimeSheet plugin from version v2.7.5 to v2.9.6, and we want to know if there are any problems doing this direct upgrade, or we have to do a previous upgrade to some intermediate version for avoid regression problems. We have detected some problems in dashboards which had configured timesheet widgets, after upgrade, the configuration of widget is missing.

Thanks for advance.

Comments (28)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo,

    It's safe to update straight to latest version, no intermediate updates are required.

    Thank you.

  2. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    Hi again

    I think is not plenty safe. We have a field "Show summary for project or filter:" with the value some project o some filter to our version 2.7.5. But the upgrade to version 2.9.6 changes this field by "Show summary for project:" and "Show summary for filter:".

    My problem is that the value to field "Show summary for project or filter:" (you can see the image ConfigurationTS_275.png) is not migrating to field "Show summary for project:" and "Show summary for filter:" correspondent when I upgrade to version 2.9.6 (you can see the image ConfigurationTS_296.png).

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    There is special support for this case in ServletUtil called from TimesheetResource

    However it did not work for some reason, may be user does not have permission to AUQ_Requests_To_Treat filter?

    Could you please also check how does the request to timesheet resource look like in your case in browser developer console? You can see request when you do Refresh in drop-down menu in top-right conrer of the gadget. It should look like http://localhost:2990/jira/rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/timesheet.json?baseUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A2990%2Fjira&gadgetTitle=&startDate=&targetUser=&targetGroup=&collapseFieldGroups=false&excludeTargetGroup=&numOfWeeks=1&reportingDay=2&projectOrFilter=&projectid=&filterid=&projectRoleId=&weekends=true&showDetails=true&sumSubTasks=false&showEmptyRows=false&groupByField=&moreFields=&offset=0&monthView=false&sum=&_=1479298282294

  4. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    Hello Andriy Thanks for your reply, but please, remember that I have the problem in dashboards which had configured timesheet widgets. The reports works fine.

    I have permissions over filter and project. I refresh the gadget (belong a dashboard) and I don't see anything look like http://localhost:2990/jira/rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/timesheet.json?baseUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A2990%2Fjira&gadgetTitle=&startDate=&targetUser=&targetGroup=&collapseFieldGroups=false&excludeTargetGroup=&numOfWeeks=1&reportingDay=2&projectOrFilter=&projectid=&filterid=&projectRoleId=&weekends=true&showDetails=true&sumSubTasks=false&showEmptyRows=false&groupByField=&moreFields=&offset=0&monthView=false&sum=&_=1479298282294.

    Could you help me to solve my problem with the upgrade?. Thanks in advance.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo.

    Do you have Network tab open in Developer Console in Chrome, or anything like that? Can you see any requests there at all?

    Thank you.

  6. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    I’ve obtained the next request in my Network’s options in the Developer Console in Chrome:


  7. Andriy Zhdanov


    Great. As you can see there is project-41471 for projectOrFilter parameter, the number is id of the project. Problem must be that id is no longer valid after upgrade, you can check it in Issue Navigator with JQL like project = 41471. Or, from your description, it must be a filter id rather than project?

    Thank you.

  8. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    I checked with JQL like project= '41471' and I found all issues to the correct project (for this timesheet I had only a project, but I didn't have a filter.)

    I upgraded timesheet and I don't see the used project in the configuration of time sheet gadget. But it shows the correct information to this gadget.

    So, why don't the value of project show in the configuration of time sheet gadget?

    Thanks and regards

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo,

    I see now. Gadget configuration has no support for reading previous configuration, just backend has it. So when someone edits gadget config, the old settings is lost. I will try to fix it.

    Thank you.

  10. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    Hi Andriy

    Thank you so much. When do you think you can develop the new version? I would like to know the estimated date to release.


  11. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    Hi again Andriy Thank you! Our Jira version is v6.1.1. I hope this version it will not be a problem. One more question, Can we do the upgrade to the actual version (from v2.7.5 to v2.9.6) and later upgrade one more time to the new version (from v2.9.6 to new version) ? or maybe is better that we wait for the new versión and we will do the upgrade directly from v2.7.5 to new version? If we choose the first option, the new version will fix the visibility problem, isn't it? thanks and regards.

  12. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo,

    Yes, you can upgrade to any version now that still has Project or Filter option in gadget config, and then to latest version with the fix for upgrade to seperate Project and Filter options.

    Thank you.

  13. Gonzalo Benítez reporter

    Thank you so much Andriy

    We will install this new version and we will tell you. Regards.

  14. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo,

    Sorry to let you know, introduced regression in backward compatibility, so please try for JIRA 5-6 or for JIRA 7 instead.

    Thank you.

  15. Gonzalo Benítez

    Hello Andriy,

    I have installed the version and the error about project and filter is solved. But I find that other funcionallities are not correct. The options 'Subscribe' and 'Send Now' are not working.

    So, could you revise these new errors?

    Thanks and regards.

  16. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo,

    Could you please clarify what are the problems with Subscribe and Send Now?

    Thank you.

  17. Gonzalo Benítez

    Hello Andriy,

    I click in Subscribe, but the subcription is not gererated and the option doesn't change to Unescribe, it is mantaining the option Subscribe. Jira's logs is shown: 2016-12-14 13:28:49,172 http-8080-7 INFO anonymous 808x11781x1 - /secure/TimesheetSubscriptions!subscribe.jspa [jira.web.action.XsrfErrorAction] The security token is missing for 'anonymous'. User-Agent : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0'

    I click in Send now, but the mail is not generated and the option doesn't change to Mail Sent, it is mantaining the option Send now. Jira's logs is shown: 2016-12-14 13:29:07,843 http-8080-7 INFO anonymous 809x11782x1 - /secure/TimesheetSubscriptions!sendNow.jspa [jira.web.action.XsrfErrorAction] The security token is missing for 'anonymous'. User-Agent : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0'

    Thanks and regards.

  18. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gonzalo,

    In my case xsrf token is passed in cookies, please see screen shot.

    Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 19.50.11.png

    Is it possible something has changed in your environment that cookies are not passed in your case?

    Thank you.

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