'Work Ratio' Field is Always Blank in Pivot Tables

Issue #1055 resolved
Fabio S created an issue

The 'Work Ratio' field is always blank in pivot tables. The value shows up correct in the issue navigator. Is there something that can be set in JIRA to change this behavior?

Comments (11)

  1. Fabio S reporter

    Hi Andriy, We are using the "Time Tracking" field already. Is there any reason why the "Work Ratio" field is always blank in Pivot Tables? In the issue navigator I can see some data in the Work Ratio field for some tickets but I can't see any data for the same tickets in the Pivot Table. Thanks.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Fabio,

    Support for Work Ratio is added for next update. Though it might be not the same as in Issue Navigator - it's calculated by plugin in the same way as Time Tracking field. I have not managed to see Work Ratio value in Issue Navigator, so decided that it's better if plugin calculates it. And hope it's better, as requested by JRA-43796

    Thank you.

  3. Fabio S reporter

    FYI: To see the "Work Ratio" value in issue navigator you need to change the view to "list view".

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    It appears Work Ratio field needs Original Estimate. Timesheet plugin will not need it though. Please refer to comparison picture:


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