Complete Gadget Entry Form is not closing as expected

Issue #1068 resolved
TimC created an issue

The Timesheet Gadget as shown on the attached is "odd" to close.

As a user I hit the '+' to enter consumed time and a comment - thus creating a new worklog. The first field is the consumed time, so I enter hrs/minutes I TAB to the second field The second field is the comment so I write text Now I want to close the entry so I expect the following options : a) Hitting Enter - Which does Nothing b) Hitting TAB - which brings my outside of the pop-up form - and not back to time c) No 'OK' button to click with mouse d) Use the mouse to click the TIME field and then HIT Enter

Only 'd' works which seems to be a bit convoluted ?

Browser Browser: Chrome 55.0.2883.87 Screen resolution: 1920x1200 Operating system: Windows 7 (Windows NT 6.1) Document mode: Standards (CSS1Compat) User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5

Same platform with IE 10 gives same result...

Annoying little bug - But I face several times a day - day in - day out. TIA


Comments (9)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    Hi Tim,

    To submit with keyboard you need to click Ctrl+ENTER, as you might see already.

    But I will add OK button also.

    Thank you.

  2. TimC reporter

    Sorry - I did not find the duplicate - Didn't look for duplicates in closed issues, only in open - My bad. Thanks for the nice plugin, it really does a lot for me...

    TIA Tim

  3. Stephen Tate

    I also found the Timesheet Gadget "odd" to close. I updated to 3.0.8, but I don't see a OK button:


  4. TimC reporter

    Sorry, it took me a while to get the plugin updated - Governance friction around here. Thanks for the change.

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