New Timesheets version 1.1.6-AC gadget does not allow our users to "Log Work"

Issue #1108 resolved
Randi Kelley created an issue

We upgraded to the 1.1.6-AC cloud version yesterday. Since then, our users are not able to "Log Work" via the Timesheets gadget. It is not showing in the activity log or in the summary for the week (in the gadget).

Is there a way to revert back to the previous version? Or what do you recommend? This is pretty important functionality for us that is now missing. thanks-

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Randi,

    I don't think it's related to add-on version, it's available for almost a year, and hardly you have had old version for that long.

    In any case, Log Work should be there. Could you please add screen shot of what you see?

    As for the activity log, I'm not sure what you mean, add-on does not add anything there.

    Please see also issue#1094 if it's relevant.

    Thank you.

  2. Andrew Marshall Account Deactivated

    Andriy - Our timesheet gadget is having the same issue. It brings the popup to log time, but when you save, nothing changes. There isn't really a screenshot to add because it looks as if it is working properly, but does not log or show the hours.

  3. Randi Kelley reporter

    Andriy- here is the screen shot. You can log time in the cells above, just not using the "+log work" option at the bottom.

    Thanks, Randi

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