time reporting by group leaves some projects time logged out

Issue #1111 resolved
Michael Jones created an issue

Create a report based of a user group, user logging time across multiple projects. A Projects time does not appear in the report or excel file.

Consistently repeatable with the same project and user. The time is visible in Tempo.

Tempo timesheets is also installed so is this related to Issue #1094? is installed.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michael,

    It might be something else, if you're actually using JIRA Server, and not JIRA Cloud.

    It can be caused by Worklog Visibility, could you please check this?

    Thank you.

  2. Michael Jones Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Yes we are using JIRA server v7.3.4. All the time entered is visible to all users. I am currently taking a snap from live to put into a test environment and see what happens when i turn tempo off. Hopefully I get this done tomorrow.

    Regards, Mike

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