Timesheet Unsubscribe requires admin privileges

Issue #1127 resolved
Stefan Ernst created an issue


some of my users are trying to unsubscribe from the Timesheet report, but since the corresponding UI is in the Jira Admin Panel they are unable to.

Is this intentional or does the link simply point to the wrong action?


Many thanks

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Stefan,

    Link to the admin page is provided for the other user than the owner of subscription.

    So it means that someone has specified CC Users and included your users in spite of their desire.

    So, only admin can forcibly delete this subscription. This is by intention. Admin also may see the owner of the subscription and contact him.

    Please let me know if you think there is something else.

    Thank you.

  2. Stefan Ernst reporter

    Hey Andriy,

    as claimed by my user, she has created the report herself. After it is sent the first time, she receives an unsubscribe link that leads to the admin page. So maybe the unsubscribe link for the individual email is not correct

    Many thanks


  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Stefan,

    I seem it may happen if username is not the same as user key. May be you can confirm this is the case for your user?

    Thank you.

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