Wrong time period in report with Send Now

Issue #1199 resolved
Florian Gehring created an issue


we're using the Project Pivot Report to get a monthly overview and the sum of the hours for accounting.

Unfortunately the content of the email sent with "send now" does not match up with the results of the Gadget or the Excel export.

When entering a time period of e.g. June 1st 18 - June 30th 18 the email will show some other seemingly random time period. Of course the sums will be wrong too. So the email is of no use and misleading.

We're on 3.1 Jira Server 7.9.0

I saw another issue here that seems to be related to different time zones. We're not dealing with differing time zones here.

Please fix the email content.

Comments (21)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Florian,

    I think the problem is that email uses different approach for start/end date than report itself. In report you specify dates, but email operates with week or month period, similarly to dashboard gadget. Please see https://www.primetimesheet.net/wiki/Tips_and_Tricks.html#Weekly_Report for additional information.

    Though in your specific case, it might still work, if you just enable Month View option. Then email function will determine that you expect report for previous month and should calculate period properly. Note, you may want to specify Sum: Day option, in report parameters too.

    Please let me know if anything else.

    Thank you.

  2. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Thank you for your response.

    I'm not sure if it's the right solution to have our accounting colleagues manually change url parameters.

    Wouldn't you agree, that the Send Now button should send what it's currently showing?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Florian,

    In your case, I don't think you need to change url parameters, just enable Month View option report configuration parameters.

    Other than that, I agree, but can't make it so far.

    Thank you.

  4. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    Ok, I've tried the month view.

    Now when I select the dates May 1st - May 31st the email contains the report for June 1st - June 30th.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Florian,

    I've found a problem, and fixed it for next update, hopefully in August, will notify you.

    Thank you.

  6. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    I just installed 3.1.3. and still, when I select the dates May 1st - May 31st the email contains the report for June 1st - June 30th.

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, it appears a different problem was fixed. It will take another round to get this one fixed.

  8. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    I installed and tested 3.1.4. This has made it even worse.

    Now when I select the dates May 1st - May 31st the email contains the report for01/Oct/17 to 31/Jan/18.

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Oh no :(

    Can’t get how it’s possible. Could you please provide url from browser address bar before you click Send Now?

    Then also please click Subscribe instead, and go to menu Issues - Timesheet Subscriptions, and check saved report parameters on the left pane. The most relevant are Number of Weeks, Offset and Month View. Maybe it will easier if you provide screenshot.

    Thank you.

  10. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    Configuring the report

    Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 13.16.11.png

    Screenshot from the email (Send now)

    Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 13.17.22.png

    Here's the URL before hitting Send now:


    Screenshot after subscribing:

    Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 13.17.42.png

    When I preview the subscription, it shows the same false time period as the email.

    Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 13.20.44.png

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Florian,

    I have finally realised that the problem is with Project Pivot report and hopefully fixed it.

    Could you please try version 3.1.5 if it solves the problem?

    Thank you.

  12. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    thanks for the new version.

    1) It works correctly when using month view and selecting exactly the first and last day of a month for start/end date. If you select any other dates, the report will span across a random different timespan.

    2) If month view is disabled, the report only works for the current week. For any other values, the report will span across a random different timespan.

    3) It's not possible to generate reports for multiple months at once. e.g. Jul 1 - Aug 31. This will result in Jul 14 - Sept 7.

    4) The formatting is completely off for this version. The column titles are on top of the wrong columns. This is for all, the email report, excel export and the view in jira.


  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Florian,

    First of all, I should admit the way the feature is implemented does not allow to achieve desired flexibility, also I'm sorry it takes me so long to get right what should be possible at least, so thank you for your patience while keeping trying, looks likes it's almost there.

    1. Unfortunately, this is expected, it can detect monthly period only if first/last days of a month is selected.

    2. There is no Month View report option in Pivot Report, so I'm not sure what you mean here, but I think I've found a problem that caused current week only, and fixed it.

    3. I have found a problem that caused this, and fixed it.

    4. But, I can't see formatting problem, could you please add screenshot for this?

    Thank you.

  14. Florian Gehring Account Deactivated reporter

    Display and Excel export are looking good now.

    "Send now" only works for exactly one month. When using Send Now with other constellations it still changes the date range to random values.

  15. SAP Admins

    This is still an issue in 3.1.7. Mine doesn't show "one month", it seems the "send email" is following the ~last configuration of a timesheet dashboard widget~ perhaps???

    The "send email" is a disaster as it is, it is incredibly misleading and may result in loss of money for either the company or the employees who use it. As such, it should be COMPLETELY REMOVED from the report view until the sent email shows EXACTLY what the displayed report is.

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