the display hours is blank when I query period over months

Issue #1219 resolved
Winifred Yang created an issue

2019-3-5 下午 04-24-08.png

Date: 2019/1/31~2019/3/5 Sum by month But the total hours is blank for Feb 2019, and it should be Mar 2019 field.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Winifred,

    I see the problem here and working on a fix, however would like to let you know that, as workaround, you may try to select 1st of February in Start Date, and then it should work.

    Thank you.

  2. Winifred Yang reporter

    for some management report purpose, we may review time by specific date period. So, select 1st date of the month will not meet our requirement.

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