Can't get "workedIssues" JQL to work

Issue #1228 resolved
Roland Kohn created an issue

using your plugin I’m getting the new JQL workedIssues, by entering

key in workedIssues("2018/01/01", "2019/01/01", "rkn")

(where “rkn” is my user name) I’d guess that it should display all issues I’ve logged work on in 2018 (which should be quite a lot), but I don’t get any results.

Used version is 4.1.1 - which I don’t see in the dropdown below… Thanks.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Roland,

    I’m not sure what might be the problem, may be you should try user key instead.

    However, since Jira 6.4 there are native JQL support to search for issues that have relevant worklogs: worklogAuthor, worklogComment and worlkogDate. See Advanced Searching - Fields reference.

    Thank you.

  2. Roland Kohn reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    thanks sure - knew those… not sure why I thought of using your method 😉

    Btw - we just bought your software a few hours ago - great piece of work, thank you!

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