[TIME-15] Previous day's hours incorrectly shown in today's column

Issue #15 duplicate
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

See Screenshot.

If no time has been entered against an issue today, but there was time entered yesterday, then yesterday's time is shown against the issue in today's column.

If time was entered on both days then both columns are shown correctly.

By leaskc/leaskc on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 07:56:06 -0800

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    First issue was worked on for 1h on Monday and 0.17h (i.e. 10m) on Tuesday.

    Second issue was worked on for 1.25h on Monday and not at all on Tuesday... and the same goes for issues 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

    Final issue correctly shows no work done on Monday and 1.25h done on Tuesday.

    Totals per day are correct.

    By leaskc on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:02:58 -0800

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