[TIME-304] Time Sheet description multiline

Issue #304 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

The new look in 2.3.8 is nice, but the resulting view is more difficult to read than it used to be. Our descriptions tedn to be long, such as "Summary for group jira-users and project Verkkopalvelut tapahtumien järjestäjille and role Users" and when this whole spans the first column it becomes very wide. In attached image title in 2.3.6 all necessary information fits the view without need to scroll. In attached image title in 2.3.8 you see only the first column and you need to scroll to see the actual hours.

If wrapping is unwanted, perhaps the text could even be user definable to ensure it is short enough.

By tuukka.ilomaki/Tuukka Ilomäki on Mon, 19 Nov 2012 22:44:35 -0800

Comments (16)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Unfortunately, we are still not happy. I reinstalled the plugin - I presume the newest build is j27. The layout is still such that in order to see all the user needs to scroll.

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Thu, 22 Nov 2012 05:08:02 -0800

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Strange, j27 is correct.

    Please make sure you don't have old plugin in jira somewhere (find jira-home | grep timesheet), and may be try uninstall plugin then install again.

    Attached is how it should wrap now. You see, there is still minimum width, that causes horizontal scroll but text is wrapped anyway.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

    By azhdanov on Fri, 23 Nov 2012 05:56:28 -0800

  3. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    It would seem that this fix works provided that we have monitors that are wide enough. My current resolution is 1280*1024 (dual monitors does not help here). I have several dashboards (like most of our users) so the dashboard tabs take some space on the left side of the window. If I have two columns for gadgets there is about 515 pixels for one gadget and that is not enough for the Time Sheet widget. If I reduce the number of favorite tabs to one, the tabs disappear and then Time Sheet gadget has enough space.

    Thus, I have three solutions:

    1. reduce number of dashboards to one
    2. switch to single column, or
    3. persuade Andrew to take one more look at this

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 02:26:06 -0800

  4. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Tuukka,

    Do you think if I change 'Week#' to 'W#' will help?
    Do you have problem with week view also?


    By azhdanov on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 05:59:25 -0800

  5. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hello Andrew,
    sorry for the delayed reply as I was out-of-office.

    Monthly view now fits fine but weekly view does not have anough space for summary (see screenshot. Also it seems that the vertical space for the header is limited and therefore we have a collision of the texts.

    Shortening Week# to W# could help. The programmer in me suggests that perhaps it could be user-definable (perhaps using a java property if you are not inclined to write an interface for it). Perhaps also the title "Summary for group jira-users and project Verkkopalvelut tapahtumien järjestäjille and role Users" could be user-definable to get rid of the spacing issue.

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Fri, 30 Nov 2012 02:57:22 -0800

  6. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Tuukka,

    I was thinking long but can not help much.

    For week view, you can slightly minimize date format in header with jira.timesheet.plugin.dayFormat2 property in jira-home/jira-config.properties. Set it to d/MM for 26/11 instead of 26/Nov, It should let fit it into your screen.

    Regarding text collision, what browser do you use? Also if it were not garbled, gadget would not fit at all. Title part has min-width=210px property, that is (luckily) ignored by your browser. That's half of your gadget width

    Would you please consider upgrading your environment instead? I know it sounds wrong, that for a gadget you need to upgrade monitor, but 1024 is so not enough.


    P.S. I have minimized gadget header a bit, use wk/mo and no number sign also.

    By azhdanov on Sun, 2 Dec 2012 14:30:04 -0800

  7. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hello Andrew,
    Our standard setup is two 1280*1024 monitors and I do not think our IT manager will be happy with an upgrade request. I think the best option for us is to use dashboards with a single columns.

    The text collision happens only with IE8. I know, we should not use it, but as we develop web software we use it in order to discover IE bugs ourselves. Perhaps we should move to FF when accessing Jira – at least FF obeys min-width=210px.

    I will test modifying jira.timesheet.plugin.dayFormat2 – I presume I will need to reboot Jira for the new setting to take effect.

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 02:12:32 -0800

  8. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Yes, it needs jira restart, unfortunately. Hopefully plugin will have admin configuration page soon.

    By azhdanov on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 11:56:57 -0800

  9. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    I upgraded to j29 and updated jira.timesheet.plugin.dayFormat2. Works as advertised. I think this issue could be closed and in you are you have too much spare time, I have a couple of suggestions for enhancements

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 22:36:22 -0800

  10. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    I don't have much spare time, but suggestions are always appreciated! Listening to you

    By azhdanov on Wed, 5 Dec 2012 14:01:48 -0800

  11. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hello Andrew, I would like two additional features

    1. a year view in addition to month and week (in our context the memory space constraints are not an issue, we already have jira.timesheet.plugin.maxDays=750)
    2. grouping by a component or even a custom field: we can now see how much a person has done in a given time period but we would also like to examine how much work each of the components have requirted.

    We like the straightforwardness of Timesheet plugin. Sometime in the future I would be happy to help but currently I too have very little spare time. I checked out the code; it will take some time to figure out what a JIRA plugin is made of.

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Fri, 7 Dec 2012 01:06:18 -0800

  12. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Tuukka,

    Thank you for the suggestions!

    1. Yes it would be nice, I thought of it already, and take your voice into account.

    2. I think it should be possible now, have you tried 'Groyp by Field' in report? And for gadget there is issue #308 "[TIME-308] Group by field for timesheet gadget" already, feel free to vote on it

    Thank you.

    By azhdanov on Fri, 7 Dec 2012 10:42:52 -0800

  13. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Andrew, you are right - we can do what we need with the option Group by Field in the option. This fulfills our yearly reporting needs perfectly. It seems that I have grown so accustomed to the usefulness of the gadgets that I completely forgot to check what you can do with the reports. Wonderful!

    By tuukka.ilomaki on Fri, 7 Dec 2012 11:30:34 -0800

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