Values shifted to right

Issue #339 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello- some of my users are experiencing a problem where the "total" row is shifted to the right, but only after a certain date. I have attached screenshots. Let me know what additional information you need

Comments (14)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Unfortunately, I can't find anything what may be wrong, and can't ask for more information. It looks pretty clear. Similar problem was recently reported in Issue #330, but the cause suspected in that case, is not possible in this case, and you seem to use 2.3.14, that has the fix. Sorry, I can't help.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    We have the same problem also (Using the 2.3.15) We need a lot of weeks back to have a chance to reproduce this problem

    Screen capture with an 8 weeks timesheet :

    Please reopen and think about a way to reproduce (export project ?)

  3. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    Hi @Chti_Suisse

    Sorry for late response, if you can please provide export, but don't upload it to issue, send me secret link via email or message in bitbucket.

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy

    I cannot send an export : Our Jira is pretty big and I must anonymize the whole export to send it So this can't be done

    So I tried to reproduce the problem Some steps maybe irrelevant

    On a test project (no issue at all, standard workflow, issue types, ...) * I created one Issue * I loggued 4 hours of work on 2 dates : 05/06/2013 09h00 and 05/05/2013 09h00 * I have 13 developpers ont this project (my team) * I create a new dashboard with the wide layout (only one column) * I add the timesheet gadget * Settings are 8 weeks, First day : Monday, no filter (I set my project) Then for the 4th and the 11th project members the shift occurs in may (18 and 25)

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    What I have done next I have removed all other users but me (remember I am the only one to have worklog) Then I add other users in project users Below 4 users including me no problem At 5 users I have the problem (even If I remove him and re add another)

    Please note that all other users have no worklog and no issue assigned in this project

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Dear Andriy, You are right to put this ticket on hold : one of my user is having the problem but I can't reproduce the problem. While trying to reproduce it I found a funny bug on Internet Explorer

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