JIRA is timed-out with over 300 customfields whenever the user clicks on Time Sheet report

Issue #369 duplicate
Former user created an issue

JIRA is timed-out whenever the user clicks on Time Sheet report (shows Atlassian Down maintenance page.) on the project summary. We have replicated issue in OnDemand instance with over 300 customfields

Comments (11)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    But I see that one is related to the crowd groups, is it applicable to the customfields as well?

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Omar,

    It does not relate to crowd, but to drop down boxes in report configuration screen.

    Though problem with crowd (issue #346) is rather with group drop down box too.

    I think it has the same cause - JIRA report configuration screen, which is JIRA infrastructure.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    Thanks for the information, I am dropping a private comment and increasing the priority. It seems many instances in OnDemand hitting this bug.

    Cheers, Omar - Atlassian Support

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks Andriy for help on this, I am afraid we can't apply the work in OnDemand since is restricted to remove/install since the plugin system is centralized. I guess we are going to wait for JIRA 6.0.1 to come out with the fix :)

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