Time sheet Plugin issue after upgrading JIRA 5.2.11

Issue #498 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Team

We have upgraded our JIRA to 5.2.11. and we upgraded JIRA Timesheet Reports plugin version

However Plugin is have issue in loading and we getting couple errors . I tried installing and re stalling the plugin Errors 1)The dashboard the Timesheet plugin giveing error ( screen shot attached) 2)when we pull report : we get"java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range:" ( log attached)

Event Details Company : Xerox Services Total Jira User: 13000+ JIRA version : 5.2.11 JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets Plugin :

This is really cricical plugin for us and we can't have user not using this plugin for day

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    Could you please, as a workaround, try to set 'Decimal Separator' option in Administration - Add Ons - Timesheet Configuration, to something meaningful for your country.

    Please let me know if helps.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    And solution would be to remove jira.timesheet.plugin.* setting from jira-config.propeties in jira home. Also I've made corresponding changes in the code to prevent this kind of problems. Thank you and sorry for troubles.

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